Some of you may gasp and mutter "heathen" under your breath (hopefully not), but before I ruin your perception of my innocence and sanity let me show you some pictures and explain a little about the what and why.....
Work in progress:
Finished product:
(May be a little off-center after all....hmmm.....)
Still smiling :)
Okay, so I've spent the past two years (minus a few months) of my life living in China. There have been ups and downs, but overall an unforgettable time of my life. I've always thought about getting a tattoo, but never knew what I really wanted to get (or if I ever would really get one).
What I got was the traditional Chinese character: Yì.

It means "righteousness", "justice" and is used in "adoption"/"adopted". The cool thing about this character is this: there are two parts:

The top part has 3 lines across, with one line down the middle, and two short strokes at the top. It is the same as the character that means "lamb". The bottom part, the more complicated part, is the same as the character that means "I/me". SO, the traditional Chinese character that means "righteousness" and "justice" is "a lamb over me". Pretty cool, huh? And I tend to think it's not purely coincidental.
I wanted to get it here to remind me of my time in China, but more importantly, to always remind myself that my righteousness comes from the Lamb of God and what He did for me - covering me with Himself so that I may approach the throne of God with grace.
Her caligraphy (kinda) w/ the character is beautiful...but it isn't really crooked, is it? That would be such a bummer. :(
So, when do I get to see it (& hence, you) this summer? ;)
Heathen :)
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