
02 December 2008


This Thanksgiving was spent in North Carolina with my dear grandparents. We unfortunately don't get to see them very often, living so far away, and this was an especially good time to go see them (not knowing how many more Thanksgivings there will be). I know that they also enjoyed seeing us.

It was also really great to see extended family - cousins, aunts, uncles - who we haven't seen in a while. We ended up eating at my aunt's sister's home, with their family. It was really a great time! It was close enough geographically that my grandmother was able to join the party, which was great for everyone. Great food, great company, great everything! Hopefully I can get some pictures from my mom and post them here!

On the way there I got to stay in my friend's parents' cabin in the Smokies. It was a great stopover point, although there was some trouble actually getting there. It was definitely worth the stop, but would have been even more so had I gotten to stay longer. Here are a few shots of the view (taken by my phone camera, so admittedly not the best). Not bad, eh? Maybe a future summer home? ;)

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