
18 November 2005

Mystifies Me

I know I've already posted like, 5 blogs in one day, but this is the last one for today, I promise!

One of my friends here said something once about being mesmerized by the reflection of light on water and wanting to look directly at the sun or into some light, like the little ones you see in the ground at parks or on sidewalks etc. How his eyesight is still 20/20 I just don't know. I was thinking about that this morning while riding the bus, because the sun was a brilliant, bright orange in a hazy pink sky. I wanted to look at it directly too, but I found I couldn't. It hurt my eyes too much (not to mention I don't want to go blind before my time). But it got me to thinking, you know, God is kind of like that. We couldn't look at Him directly, we'd go blind or mad or die or something. Instead we have to content ourselves with looking around Him (like at the area around the sun, where you can still see the glory of the sun in the corner of your eye) or looking at everything that His light touches. Sometimes you have to go all squinty-eyed to get a good look at the sun. I think sometimes the same is true of God. He is too glorious for us to look at Him full-on.

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