
07 April 2007


God is good to me. My close friends all went home already, and I guess I've been a little lonely. Okay, well, I've been craving the company of foreigners. I love my Chinese friends dearly, but sometimes it takes more energy to hang out with them. I guess I just wanted some people around who I was better able to relate to. Anyway, God knows what I need!

A few weeks ago one of my Chinese friends came over to my house and said she'd met two new foreign girls who had just come to the city to teach at another school. YAY! So we've met together a few times, and I like them immensely. In fact today is Jaimee's birthday, and last night we had a party at her house. We're planning on getting together each week for dinner to just hang out and relax. I don't think either of them are believers, but they are super friendly and just so much fun to hang out with! This is definitely going to help me get over my recent anti-social tendencies. ;)

Today someone I barely know - a guy - has been sending me lots of text messages, wanting me to help him study his German. Okay that's fine....except I know - no matter how hard he tries to deny it - that he has a hidden agenda. Sometimes these Chinese men can be subtle, but this guy is asking me questions about love, saying he's given up on love and he wants to find a foreign girlfriend, and do I have a boyfriend, and he could introduce me to some Chinese boys and he wants to treat me to dinner in exchange for help with his German. Okay, so I'm really flattered, but really not interested.

The thing is, around here I am called beautiful all the time, and I know that several of these guys are interested in me,'s just because I'm white. They say that they want to find a foreign girlfriend because they're so different from Chinese girls, more independent and the like, but the guys are still treating foreign girls as objects, instead of as humans. And as much as I enjoy being called beautiful, it means less when everyone says it, just because you're white.

For Easter I'm having over a foreign family in town. They are believers, and I haven't seen them in a long time. They have three young children, so it should be interesting to hear the pitter patter of little feet in my house. :) I'll be cooking some of my American Thanksgiving (boxed) food, which will be good because it's always more fun to cook for people than for just yourself. It should be a good Easter!


1 comment:

petite américaine said...

I still think you're beautiful!! ^^; Love you. Glad to hear you had a fun Easter!