
14 April 2007

Mad cooking skills

For some reason, I have been in a cooking mood recently. Last week for Easter I had some friends over and I cooked lunch for them (using some of my "Thanksgiving" food). I've been trying to practice stir-frying more with some veggies - broccoli once, eggplant once. They turned out okay, but I still need more practice! :)

Yesterday I met with the former Dean of the foreign language Dept. at my school, and she taught me how to make dumplings. If you go to China and don't ever eat dumplings or learn to make them, then you haven't really been to China. This is the stereotypical Chinese food that every Chinese child must learn how to make, that's for sure. I'm going to try to make them myself a few times now that I (kind of) know how, so that when I go home I'll be able to share some of the delights of China with my friends and family. :)

1 comment:

petite américaine said...

Now THAT'S what I'm talkin' about!!

Can't wait! :D