
02 April 2007

Rest for the weary

"Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest." - Matt. 11:2

"And He said to them, 'The Sabbath was made for man, not man for the Sabbath.'" - Mark 2:27

"And on the seventh day God finished His work that He had done, and He rested on the seventh day from all His work that He had done." - Gen. 2:2

This past weekend (Palm Sunday) I again took the trip up to Beijing to visit some friends (different ones this time). It was just what I needed! There’s a couple up in Beijing who I met through some friends who let me stay at their place if I’m ever in the area. They are seriously my parents in China!

It’s only been 2 weeks of being back to school, and already I’m worn out. That seems to not bode well for the rest of the year, but I already can’t believe how quickly it’s going by.

Anyway, I haven’t been to a service in such a long time that I really wanted to go to one. I wanted to go last weekend, but I was busy visiting with some other friends (which was fine, and I really enjoyed seeing them!). I decided to come back the next weekend and visit again. I didn’t even realize it was already Palm Sunday! (time passes in odd ways in China)

The weekend was just what I needed. All we did was visit, watch movies/news, put together a puzzle, and chat. And we went and bought some western food for me to take back with me. I haven’t just sat and watched the news in such a long time – I had no idea about the tornados all over the South-Central, or the British sailors taken captive by Iran. I feel so isolated and out of it where I am. I also had my first experience of a Chinese movie theater. This one was high quality: just like back at home! We watched the new movie Deja-vu. We all thought it was really good! I recommend it! It seemed to have some spiritual undertones to it, which I really liked.

After we watched the movie we ate at a Mexican restaurant! I haven't had Mexican food in such a long time.... on the way there we drove past the new Olympic Stadium in Beijing. It was really neat to see the real thing! It was also really interesting to see the difference between that part of the city and the rest. Most of the city is dirty, crowded, and polluted, but this area was nice and clean and modern-looking. One of my friends commented that that Olympic Stadium looks like a huge, metal bird's nest that was definitely designed on a computer. So true!

One fun thing that happened to me was that just after arriving by train, and while sitting in the McDonald's waiting for a more decent hour to go over to my friends' house, I met some other believers who don't live too far from me. It was just a random encounter, but encouraging nonetheless, and hopefully I'll be able to go visit them.

I also loved being able to just sit around and not have any demands made on me. It was wonderful to just be able to fellowship with some mature believers. I have believing friends in my city, but a lot of them are new believers and look to me as kind of their leader. It was wonderful to just go somewhere where I didn’t have to ‘be strong’ if that makes any sense.

Sunday morning was pretty emotional for me. Most of my fellowship here has gone home. The fellowship I have is with non-native speakers, who again look to me as kind of the leader (although we’re trying to break them of that habit – I have so much more respect now for my Dad and all Ch. leaders). The fellowship where we went is for ex-pats. It was so wonderful to be singing again in English some familiar songs, and seeing the kids come in, waving their palm branches. I seriously almost cried! And it was wonderful for me to be able to take communion, not only with so many other believers, but also with my adopted family.

I love them so much! They are the sweetest people in the world! And since they’re going to be back home this summer, hopefully I can stop by Dallas and see them while I’m making my cross-country fishing trip. ;)

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