
02 April 2007

What's my age again?

Recently I’ve been spilling or dropping a lot of stuff. I don’t know if that means I’m just more accident prone, or more tired, or just more under attack. It’s kind of frustrating though. Last week it was a glass bowl full of my supper that fell and broke. WARNING: Glass is sharp. Don’t try to find this out, just trust me! Today I dropped a container full of apple slices on the bus. WARNING: DON’T pick up apple slices after they drop onto the floor of a Chinese bus. (I didn’t – I’m not that dumb!)

1 comment:

petite américaine said...

Y'know, if that's consistant, you should probably have that checked out when you're back. y'know, like if you're sure you have it and then suddenly don't know why it's on the floor.

Hope you're ok and just tired. (And that you didn't hurt yourself on that sharp glass!