
18 April 2007

International Sports come to Tai Shan College

For the next 10 days or so my little school is playing host to an international sports event. How cool is that? Little bitty Tai'an has its moment in the spotlight - and how cool that my school got picked over all the others! :) It really is a big deal to be honored with hosting this competition. Okay, so it's not like it's the Olympics, but it's still a big deal!

And the sport of choice? Weightlifting. So now you're probably laughing thinking "oh, that's all", but I will have you know that there are over 200 competitors from many countries in Asia taking part in this venue. It's something like the Asian games or something. Anyway, it's really neat. A lot of students are volunteering to help out in various capacities, especially the English speakers, so several of my students get out of class. What a great experience for them, and for the school! I haven't yet met any of the participants, but I look forward to being able to! :) Fun times!

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