
05 March 2007

Aotearoa 2 - Getting There/HK

Jan. 20, 2007: Nanchang - Shenzhen - Hong Kong

Stephanie and I got to the airport in Nanchang just in time (thank you Jesus!) We took an airplane to Shenzhen, the closest city to Hong Kong in mainland China. At the airport, her cousin's driver picked us up and took us to her grandmother's home in the New Territories of HK.

It's funny how much of a difference there is between the mainland and Hong Kong. I'm generally against countries taking over other countries or parts of other countries, but there have been some improvements made in some cases. People actually smiled at us when we were going through customs into HK. WORKERS actually smiled at us! Customer Service exists!

The food was really great too. We ate with her family that night. LOTS of seafood there, being so close to the sea. The food in Hong Kong uses more soy sauce than what I'm used to in the mainland, but something about it is more like the Chinese food we have in the States. (Less vinegar, more soy sauce, less garlic....)

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