
26 March 2007

We interrupt our regularly scheduled program to....

Yes I know it isn't so much a "regular" program....

Anyway, I was in Beijing this past weekend visiting some friends! In college I was in an a capella singing group called Soulstice for a while. One of the members married a Chinese woman, and they were in town visiting her family. Fortunately, our schedules all worked out so that I could go up and pay them a visit while they were here! :)

It was really fun to see them after such a long time and just hang out with other English speakers. I got to eat a lot of western food....good ol' Outback....Subway....Pizza Hut....all the western amenities you can't find around here....anyway, it was a good time. Now I'm back....(from outer that song!)

Classes started back for me last week. Again, I am the only foreign teacher, so again I get all the responsibility put on my shoulders. I'm teaching both freshmen and sophomores again. There are 4 freshman classes, and 6 sophomore classes. Last semester I taught the freshmen each week, and I rotate sophomore classes (3 one week, the other 3 the next week, and so on). This semester I thought I'd try something a little different. I'm teaching 2 sophomore classes at one time. This way they still get to have the number of lessons, but it makes me more tired. It could be good for lecture classes, but not so easy for the spoken English aspect. We'll see how it turns out!

1 comment:

petite américaine said...

Sounds busy! I don't think I could do a "converstion" course with such large classes...what a challenge! Be sure not to wear yourself out.

Thanks for the updates...I so look forward to them. BTW, some of the pics from your NZ posts aren't loading (all except the one before this post). Am I the only one that can't see them??

Miss you lots. When ya coming home?? ^^; Love ya.